Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is calling on Windsor area business leaders to help out with job creation.

She says her new government will work with them to create jobs and build a strong economy.

“Windsor’s manufacturing sector is a big reason why Ontario ranks as North America’s top automaker, “ says Wynne. “The region also serves as a vital trade gateway with our American neighbours.”

She says continuing job prosperity here will contribute to the economic prosperity of the entire province.

Part of her plan is to support research and innovation, especially in the auto sector, to help businesses stay competitive.

That was welcoming news to Windsor business leaders.

“The premier was left with the impression we have an outstanding business community and it's all systems go for us here locally," says Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce president Matt Marchand.

Wynne scheduled at least two stops in Windsor and Essex County Monday. It was her first trip to the region since becoming the provincial leader.

She visited Centreline Limited, where she toured the plant on Morton Drive and participated in a roundtable discussion.

She was also in Kingsville Monday afternoon to tour Great Northern Hydroponics.

Wynne addressed questions about the imminent byelection. She is looking to fill the seat left vacant by former Windsor-Tecumseh MPP Dwight Duncan, but she won't specify when that date will be set.

When asked who will take top spot in the riding, the premier was confident.

"Well we're going to win it," she says.