More than 1,000 jobs will be available during the second annual Windsor-Essex job fair.

Workforce Windsor-Essex says 15 of the region’s top employers will be represented at the job fair on Thursday.

It will give job seekers an opportunity to meet employers face to face in one day.

“This is a unique approach to a job fair,” said Michelle Suchiu, Executive Director of Workforce WindsorEssex. “It’s great for job seekers and it’s great for employers who are looking for qualified staff.”

The companies participating range from the manufacturing, insurance, health care, agriculture, automotive and hospitality sectors. They include: Active Care Management, Caesars Windsor, Centreline, Classic Tool & Die, Cypher Systems Group, Dakkota Integrated System, Force Automation, Leggett and Platt Automotive Group, Linamar, Mucci Farms, Rafih Auto Group, Redoe Group, TRQSS, Windsor Mold Group and Windsor Regional Hospital.

“This is an innovative and creative way for a group of companies to showcase jobs and careers,” says Carol Bendo, of Mucci Farms and spokesperson for the WE Job Fair. “The employers’ team approach makes it easier for job seekers and also helps employers find the right fit.”

Staff are needed to fill professional, skilled trades, customer service and general labour roles.

The job fair will be held Thursday, Sept. 21 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the St. Clair Centre for the Arts in downtown Windsor.

For a list of positions see