A B.C.-based company has decided to open a plant in Windsor and the local owners say the decision was an easy one.

Talius Ontario opened last month, but cut the ribbon Thursday at its location on Rhodes Drive.

Owners Brooke and Jason Watorek believe Windsor-Essex manufacturing is booming, and the Lakeshore couple is shining light on their new retractable blinds company.

“We're very excited with the progress that Windsor has made in the last few years," says Brooke Watorek.

“When you're sitting out back and you want to have a big free space or get that sun off of you, you can press a button and they come down and it's a beautiful cool bug free room!"

The Watorek's credit the booming real estate market locally for the decision to locate in Windsor.

 "We've never seen this type of growth in Windsor in our life time anyways,” says Brooke Watorek. “The number of houses that are being constructed right now with these in mind. We're finding that the specs are actually calling out for our products which is a bonus."

The company plans to double, possibly triple their Windsor-Essex workforce in the coming year.

They currently have 10 employees. Within two years the company hopes to expand stateside.