The deputy mayor of Essex says he’s had several complaints from residents about bullying in town parks and he wants something done about it.

Richard Meloche tells AM800 News some residents are afraid to go to the parks with their families.

"I just want to send the message, watch out bullies because we're not going to tolerate that kind of activity going on in our parks," says Richard Meloche.

Children and young parents appear to be targeted by teenagers, says Meloche.

He says residents have contacted police.

Meloche says he is going to be asking administration to investigate alternatives that other communities have used across the province.

"I'm going to suggest actually that I like to see some signage in the parks saying the Town of Essex will not tolerate bullying or foul language in our parks," he says.

Meloche put forth a notice of motion on Monday.

He intends to speak about the issue at the next Essex council meeting on June 17.