A 33-year-old Leamington migrant worker is serving an eight-year sentence after pleading guilty to attempted murder.

Nathan Horatio Mitchell was charged following an attack, which sent a 42-year-old Leamington man to hospital with life threatening injuries in April, 2017.

Assistant Crown Jonathan Lall says the matter was dealt with on Wednesday last week in a joint submission with Mitchell's defence attorney.

Lall says no weapon was recovered by Essex County OPP - but the victim described it as machete.

He suffered serious injuries along with five wounds to his head - and the bones on his wrist had to be surgically re-attached.

The court heard Mitchell - his wife and the victim socialized in the bar that night - and left separately.

At some point the wife texted the victim - which led Mitchell to ask the victim for a meeting.

The victim said he was unaware why.

Mitchell is facing immigration consequences and could be removed from the country.