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Hundreds attend Palestinian solidarity rally at Windsor riverfront

Hundreds of people gathered at Windsor’s riverfront on Oct, 12, 2023, for a rally billed as a show of solidarity with Palestinians caught in the crossfire of the war between Israel and Hamas. (Travis Fortnum/CTV News Windsor) Hundreds of people gathered at Windsor’s riverfront on Oct, 12, 2023, for a rally billed as a show of solidarity with Palestinians caught in the crossfire of the war between Israel and Hamas. (Travis Fortnum/CTV News Windsor)

Hundreds of people gathered at Windsor’s riverfront Thursday night for a rally billed as a show of solidarity with Palestinians caught in the crossfire of the war between Israel and Hamas.

The protest was organized by the Palestinian Solidarity Group (PSG) at the University of Windsor, a self-described “student-led initiative that aims to support and promote the basic rights of Palestinians.”

The crowd built beneath the Great Canadian Flag before 6 p.m., with many carrying Palestinian flags, signs of protest or wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh.

A lot of the people in attendance said they have family in Gaza and said this has been a challenging week for them.

“It’s been really tough, sitting and not being able to know what’s going on,” said 17-year-old Amir Aldraiti. “It’s been really hard.”

Rasha Zaid, another in the crowd, saying she’s been in a fog most of the week.

“I’m not able to comprehend what’s happening because we are able to hear the missiles while we are talking to our family on the phone and it’s just been heartbreaking,” she said.Zaid said the conflict doesn’t require Windsorites to pick a side between Israelis and Palestinians.

“Look at it from a human perspective instead of picking and choosing sides,” she said. Adding, that one can instead focus on looking into the situation for themselves.

“Take it upon yourself on your own to educate yourself,” Zaid said.

After gathering, the protestors marched through the downtown streets to city hall.

According to Windsor police, there was one arrest associated with the rally but did not provide further information as to the nature of the charges. Top Stories

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