Scientifically summer is set to arrive Monday evening, and it’s coming under during a blast of heat.

Heat warnings issued over the weekend remain in place today for much of Ontario, including Windsor and surrounding areas.

Temperatures in Windsor are expected to top out at 33 C this afternoon and feel closer to 40 C. There is also the risk for thunderstorms this afternoon and evening.

The heat wave that impacted the region over the weekend should break by Tuesday morning as temperatures return to the mid-twenties.

Environment Canada's senior climatologist David Phillips says Monday's weather in southern Ontario is a preview of what's in store for Canadians this summer.

"We see, from B.C. to Newfoundland, our models are showing for July, August and early September a country that's going to be warmer than normal," Phillips told CTV News Channel on Monday morning.

He said the only parts of Canada that could see cooler than normal temperatures are areas of Baffin Island and around Hudson Bay. But, for the most part, Canadians can expect warm days ahead.

Phillips noted that weather agencies in the U.S. and in Europe are also predicting higher temperatures this summer.

But he warned that a warmer seasonal forecast in Canada doesn't mean there won't be any cold and rainy days ahead.

"We always have that mixed bag (of weather) in Canada," Phillips said. "The weather attacks us from every direction."

Meanwhile, the summer solstice marks the official arrival of the summer season which will take place at  6:34 p.m. Monday.

With files from