Getting a diagnosis for autism is not easy, with many children having to wait to see specially trained doctors and specialists who spend hours observing the child’s behaviour before rendering a verdict. But U.S. doctors are working on an experimental blood test they believe might help detect the disorder – even before symptoms begin.
Supervised injection sites are saving the lives of drug users everyday, but the same support is not being offered to people who inhale illicit drugs, the head of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS says.
A new strain of the virus is spreading, largely through skin-to-skin contact, including but not limited to sex. A lack of funds, vaccines and information is making it difficult to stem the spread, according to alarmed disease experts.
The group representing Canada's physicians has formally apologized for the harm medical professionals caused to Indigenous Peoples, saying it is 'deeply ashamed' and 'owning its history' of racism, neglect and abuse.
With all these shots, some Canadians may have questions about the benefit of each vaccine, whether they should get every shot and how often to get them, and if it's safe to get them all at once or if they should space them out.
With its line-up of sweet snacks, Hershey isn’t known as a purveyor of diet foods. However, the company’s newest products are made specifically for those on a fitness kick.