An auto parts supply company bared its sole to the Canadian Mental Health Association of Windsor Essex on Wednesday.

Ground Effects CEO Jim Scott presented a $30,000 cheque to local CMHA CEO Claudia Den Boer Grima.

The money will be donated over the next three years for the Sole Focus Project, to help educate and reduce the stigma around mental health.

Scott also promised more support in the future.

“We’ll do more,” said Scott. “That stigma needs to go away. We all believe that and know we have to do it.”

The Sole Focus Project was launched in February with a goal to raise $500,000 over the next three years.

Den Boer Grima believes they have raised close to $200,000 so far.

CMHA client Oliver Stuart also spoke to Ground Effects employees about how standing up to the stigma helped break his silence on depression.

“There are lots of people suffering that can’t go to anyone” said Stuart. “I want to spread the message that you can get better.”