Dirty yard complaints topped the list of service requests for the City of Windsor’s Call Centre for the third quarter of 2013.

There were 1,539 calls to the 311 centre regarding dirty yards. In second place was 1,505 tree maintenance requests and 843 calls for commemorative Grace Hospital bricks.

“We appreciate all the tree maintenance calls we receive," says Bill Roesel, the city’s forestry and horticulture manager. “It shows Windsor residents know the importance of maintaining our municipal trees. Their calls are the best way that we can quickly prioritize what needs to be done now and what can be planned for another day."

The city recorded 11,060 service requests in total entered between July and September. That’s up from 10,602 requests over the same period in 2012.

Residents are encouraged to call 311 to help city officials know when improvements should be made.

Breakdown of top 311 service requests from July to September:

Dirty Yard Complaint 1,539

Tree Maintenance 1,505

Grace Bricks 843

Tax Statement Request 416

Tax Inquiry 356

Building Condition Complaint 326

Sewer Complaint 324

Transit Windsor 299

Collection Calendar Request 259

Rodent Extermination Program 245