Windsor’s old city hall is coming down.
Work crews will install fencing around the building this month as they continue to prepare the site for eventual demolition.
The fencing will cause some re-routing of pedestrian access to ensure a safe barrier is in place for the work area, and city officials are apologizing for the temporary inconvenience.
The old City Hall building was built in 1956 and contains asbestos.
The initial stage of the demolition will see hazardous waste removed according to safety regulations, including regular air quality monitoring.
Equipment will also be installed to ensure any vibrations and dust caused by demolition work remains within acceptable levels.
Once the hazardous material is safely removed, the building will be knocked down and remaining materials recycled.
The city is hoping to achieve an 80 per cent to 85 per cent recycle rate with materials. This will save money on backfill, as well as the cost that would have been involved to transfer material to the landfill.
The final demolition work is anticipated to be complete by August 2019.
Budget Environmental Disposal Inc. is the demolition contractor for the project, with Kyle Bouma acting as the Project Manager. The City’s Consultant, DST Consulting Engineers Inc. (DST) will administer the project, with Anas Saleh acting as the site Project Lead.