A local World War II veteran is devastated that his sentimental flags were taken from his property.

Peter Mullen’s neighbours know him and his house because of the flags he has in his front and back yards.

His son went on social media after discovering three flags were stolen and a flag pole damaged some time on Friday night when the 90-year-old was sleeping. He got sympathetic responses right away.

He says he even received a message from someone in the United States who was so touched by the story that the person wanted to replace Mullen’s flags with new ones.

A Canadian, American and Civil War flag were taken from the backyard, the veteran says.

"I had the dog out in the back yard and I looked out to see how my dog was doing and I discovered the flags were gone,” he says.

Mullen is especially proud of his Canadian flag.

"It’s the largest Canadian flag you can get. They tore it and it broke the little thing at the top of the flag pole".

He says the flags had sentimental value.

"I love my flags, I'm happy to be a Canadian citizen. I love Canada."

Being a vet and so proud of his flags, he's emotionally tied to them. He's proud of Canada, even though he's Scottish.

Knowing his father’s love for Canada, Mullen’s son Con surprised him on Father’s Day by digging a hole in the ground and putting in a flag pole that would work for the largest Canadian flag Mullen could find.

"Some day when my father is gone that pole will still be there. A memory of my dad's Father's Day gift."

The 90-year-old says he hasn’t reported the missing flags to police and he doesn’t intend to. He just wants to move on.