A three-legged Windsor dog is doing great in her forever home.

Dale Jones and his wife adopted Cookie, a Jack Russell-Terrier mix, last year after seeing her on CTV Windsor’s Pet Pics segment with the Windsor-Essex Humane Society.

The couple went to the shelter the next morning and has been with the Jones family ever since.

“We fell in love with her and brought her home," says Jones.

Jones says she turned out to be a great animal and he hopes her story will inspire others to adopt from the humane society.

"She bike rides, car rides, goes in the pool and does what everyone else does,” says Jones. “She has a lot of warmth and a lot of goodness. It's been great."

Jones says they love her just the way she is.

"There was no hesitation at all, didn't matter if she only had two legs. It was the way she was,” says Jones. “She was so loving on the TV. We thought she needed a good home.”

Jones says Cookie gets around really well.

"She does everything, goes down basement stairs, up the deck, chases a ball she has no problems," he says.

And her personality won them over immediately.

"She's very soft, quiet, mellow, she puts the love out and wants to be loved,” he says. “She's a great animal."

Cookie is five years old. Her leg was amputated when she was younger. She had two breaks in her leg, but she was healed when they met her.

She also has a big brother and sister, both St. Bernards, and a cat to share a home with.

“They all get along great and so does the cat,” says Jones. “Everyone is one big happy family in that sense."